Babies Funland: Husband Shocked by Wife’s Secret “Go Bag” Sparks Divorce Thoughts

Being a woman in this world is very dangerous. We never know when we might need to leave a situation quickly, and unfortunately, the people who want to harm us are often the ones who claim to love us. There are millions of women in abusive relationships and marriages all over the country, and many of them don’t know how to leave safely.

One way for women to protect themselves in dangerous situations is by having a “go bag” with them at all times. This bag contains emergency essentials that can help them in various situations, from domestic violence to natural disasters. It’s important for all women, no matter how safe they feel.

Sadly, one woman’s husband found her go bag and was offended by the fact that she had one. He even considered divorcing her because of it. He went to Reddit’s “Am I The A**hole?” forum to seek advice.

According to him, he found the bag while cleaning their house and asked his wife about it. She seemed defensive and hesitant to admit that part of the reason she had the bag was for protection against spousal abuse. She initially said it was for emergencies like earthquakes, but eventually confessed that it was a go bag for women who need to escape abusive situations.

The husband couldn’t understand why she would think he would ever become an abuser, as they’ve never had any major arguments or issues. He felt like she didn’t trust him. He eventually decided that he couldn’t be with a woman who didn’t trust him and asked for a separation.

Many people in the comments section supported the wife, understanding the importance of having a go bag for safety. They shared their own experiences and agreed that women should always be prepared for any unforeseen circumstances. Some even mentioned that everyone, regardless of gender, should have a go bag for emergencies.

The main point is that having a go bag shouldn’t be taken personally. It’s a precautionary measure for everyone’s safety. Those who take offense to it might just be proving the need for a go bag in the first place.